Age Well

Customized Treatments
for Men

At Med 44, we offer a full menu of services for the male patient.  In less than a 30 minute office appointment and with minimal downtime, our male patients can achieve natural and notable results.  Our male treatment plans focus on enhancing or rejuvenating key masculine features.

Most Popular
Treatments for Men

Our most popular treatments for men include Toxins, Dermal Fillers, PDO Threads, Skin and Laser, Hair Restoration and Medical Grade Skincare.

Neurotoxins for Men

The most popular reason men seek out neurotoxins is to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles with the most common location are the creases along the forehead. Most men still want to have facial expression and movement. With the proper dilution and placement of the neurotoxin, men achieve a youthful, yet natural result.

Dermal Filler for Men

Dermal fillers are increasingly becoming a fan favorite to maintain or enhance the subtle masculine features of a mans face. When strategically and conservatively placed, masculine features such as the jaw line maintain their manly shape.

Hair Rejuvenation for Men

At Med44, the use of Platelet Rich Plasma, Platelet Rich Fibrinogen, and Exosomes are injected into the scalp to encourage blood flow and stimulate the bodies own collagen production to the scalp to rejuvenate hair growth. These treatments are used independent of one another, or in combination to produce the best results.

Kybella Fat Dissolving for Men

Kybella is an injectable fat dissolving medication used strategically to sculpt areas of the face and body to produce a more youthful and healthy appearance. Kybella is most commonly used sub-mentally, or under the chin for men, but can be used anywhere there is adipose tissue. Depending on the area treated, this process can take a few treatments, with little to no downtime.

Skin Rejuvenation for Men

The Vivace is used as a series of three treatments, four to six weeks apart. This non-invasive microneedling with radiofrequency device is used to alleviate wrinkles and fine lines, tighten the sign, and improve skin tone and texture. This device offers little to no downtown and is virtually painless.

Growth Factors for Men

PRP injections are used to stimulate the bodies own collagen and growth factors. They can be used in the scalp for hair rejuvenation, as well as under the eyes to improve dark circles and skin texture.

Collagen Stimulating
Treatments for Men

Sculptra for Men

Scuptra is an FDA approved biostimulant used to counteract the loss of fat tissue beneath the skin. This injectable is used to stimulate the bodies natural collagen regeneration to maintain a youthful appearance.

PDO Threads for Men

PDO threads are the latest technology in non-surgical lifting. These threads also work by encouraging the body to produce natural collagen to lift and tighten the skin. The procedure has minimal to no downtown, and results are seen for up to a year.

Why Choose Med 44 Arcadia

Clinical Excellence at
Med 44 Arcadia

Clinical Excellence & Training

Our aesthetic philosophy is embodied in our nineteen House Rules. We develop customized treatments plans to meet each of our patients’ aesthetic goals. Our clinical team is continuously engaged in the latest training of facial anatomy, safety and natural outcomes.

Natural Results

We believe healthy skin is beautiful.  Our treatment plans are designed to wholistic treat the aesthetic needs of our patients. Our House Rules embody our approach to achieving natural, balanced and long-lasting results.

Regenerative Aesthetics

We believe in regenerative aesthetic medicine. Our treatment plans include regenerative approaches to rejuvenating the skin such as PRP, PRF, Exosomes, and Bio-stimulating injectables. We believe in combination therapies of light and energy-based devices to naturally restore collagen and create beautiful skin.

Minimally Invasive

We offer the latest in patient comfort measures during all of our treatments. These include Pronox (patient self-administered nitrous for temporary relaxation), micron-cannula injection techniques, topical and injectable numbing agents, distraction tools, as well as AccuVein and ultrasound to minimize any downtime.

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